职位类别: 生产经理/主管
1、高中以上学历,五年以上三百人以上工厂管理经验; 2、组织落实部门制定的生产计划,统计各道工序的进度,掌控生产、物料供应情况,合理调配人力、物力,调整生产布局和生产负荷,提高生产效率; 3.制定技术管理标准、生产工艺流程;控制成本费用,不断提高经济效益; 4.负责生产管理及车间技术的人才培养,合理安排生产作业时间,平衡各工序的产能、节约产品的生产费用、降低生产成本。查看更多
- 年龄要求: 不限
- 语言要求: 不限
HuiFeng is a manufactory of furniture, we concentrates lots of talents for design, production and technique, it’s specializing in design, manufacture and selling the product of TV stand, Computer desk, Metal bed, CD Rack, Coffee and Tea Table, Dining Set, Bar Table, Chair and etc. With the development of business’s requirement, our factory moved into WangNiuDun town in 2010, the new factory have occupied area with 18000 square meter, increased some modern machine of Powder & liquid coating line, CO2 welding machine, Argon welding machine, Huge ton punching machine, Syphon machine, Double syphon machine etc. HuiFeng furniture following the fashion trend of the all over the world, the products focus on middle and high level, the product mainly an export-oriented and also in-depth exploits domestic. Huifeng furniture have take principle of the spirit with Trustworthy, Professional and Cooperation, and with quality first and customer supreme service idea. 东莞市腾丰五金制品-🔥威尼斯wns·8885556·正版App Store,是一家集设计、生产、技术为一体的家具制造商,本公司专心致力于设计,生产和销售电视架,电脑桌,铁床,音响架,咖啡茶几,餐桌,酒吧台,椅子等等。因业务发展需求,我公司于2010年移迁到望牛墩,工厂占地面积有18000平方米,公司拥有二条粉体烤漆线、一条液体烤漆线,拥有一百多台二氧化碳焊机、氩焊机、大吨位冲床、弯管机、双弯机等一批现代化设备;公司以质量求发展,以创新求开拓,已顺利通过了ISO9001:2008质量管理体系。腾丰家具跟随世界家具设计流行趋势和潮流,产品定位在中高档,产品畅销于欧美国家和中东地区。腾丰家具的精神是诚信,专业,合作,我们的经营理念是品质第一,客户为上。 Our advantage are: 我们的优势: We have strong ablility of product’s development and design. Our designe’s team have over ten years experience, we can supply more than 20 new designs every month for clients in all over the world. *强大的开发设计能力:公司开发设计队伍拥有十年的开发实践经验。每月可以为世界不同市场提供多达20款新颖设计。 Advanced equipment: imported new machinery to make sure produce constantly. *先进的设备:引进全新的机械设备,确保生产的持续性和品质的稳定性。 Skillful workers and fruitful management: we owned good training workers whom follow ISO9001 management system and have been training more than 3 years, and professional QC is our high-quality’s guarantee. *精湛的技术员工和高效的运作管理模式:拥有良好培训和工作理念的技术工人,遵循国际标准IS09001质理管理模式,三年以上良好培训的熟练工人,专业的品检员是我们高品质的首要保证。 According to ISO9001 quality-control management, we have integrated system in design, in-line inspection and final inspection. Every product is designed exactly according to concept-design, drawing, material selecting, sample-making, testing, modification, figuration. The designers focus on every product’s detail, and every worker making accord with drawing exactly. 严格按照国际标准ISO9001的品质管理制度,有完整的设计,生产过程品质检验及产品终检制度,每个产品都严格按概念设计,图纸,选材,制样,测试,修改,定型,设计师注重每个产品细节数据,生产工人严格按图加工,每个工序都是上个工序的品质检验员。 For many years, HuiFeng has been keep to grow up continuously with advanced concept of management, excellent equipment and superb craftwork, we keep the spirit of pursuing preeminence and perfection, puntual delivery and good service, we have won great reputation and favorableness from the customer in North America, Europe, Australia, Africa and etc more than twenty countries 多年以来,腾丰家具发展迅速,不断壮大,腾丰人以超前的管理理念,精良的设备和精湛的工艺,锲而不舍地追求卓越与完美,准时的货期与优质的服务,而赢得北美,欧洲,澳洲,亚洲,非洲等二十多个国家新老客户的口碑与厚爱!查看更多
- 公司名称: 东莞市腾丰五金制品-🔥威尼斯wns·8885556·正版App Store
- 公司状态: 在业
- 行业: 金属制品业
- 公司类型: 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
- 地址: 东莞市望牛墩镇望联村大王洲
- 企业规模: 小于50人
- 法人代表: 朱厚伟
- 注册资本: 200万人民币
- 注册时间: 2010年11月02日
- 注册号: 441900000924933
- 统一社会信用代码: 91441900564535617Q
- 组织机构代码: 564535617
- 登记机关: 广东省东莞市工商行政管理局
- 注册地址: 东莞市望牛墩镇望联村大王洲
- 营业期限: 2010-11-02至无固定期限
- 核准日期: 2016年09月13日
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