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乔达国际货运(上海)-🔥威尼斯wns·8885556·正版App Store geodis wilson shanghai limited

五险一金 员工福利 加班补贴 人性化管理 提升空间大 良性竞争机制

福利信息由公司提供,不同的职位福利待遇会略有差别,详细职位福利待遇请与乔达国际货运-🔥威尼斯wns·8885556·正版App Store geodis wilson shanghai limited招聘方联系


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  with 4,600 people and a global network, geodis wilson is one of the world's largest freight management companies.

we serve our customers with integrated supply chain solutions that deliver cargo by sea and air. our expertise, value-added services and e-services enable our customers to streamline the flow of goods. we also make their supply chain more transparent and easier to manage.

the backbone of our company is a self-reliant network of offices and air and ocean hubs in 44 countries. we have a strong presence in europe, the americas and the asia pacific region. we also have offices in the middle east and in africa.

visit our website: www.geodiswilson.com to learn more about our business, history and culture.

no. a-b, 5/f golden bridge plaza no. 585, xi zang zhong road shanghai , p.r.china



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