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香港合泊国际灯饰-🔥威尼斯wns·8885556·正版App Store深圳代表处

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  合泊国际灯饰-🔥威尼斯wns·8885556·正版App Store1989年创立于香港,经10多年的努力开拓和发展,已赢得了一定的市场领域和较高的信誉度。公司总部设立于香港,并在深圳设置了代表处,利用地理上的方便,建起了工厂与客户间的桥梁。本公司现有员工50余人,大部分是受过专业教育及充满经验的精英。凭着多年的经验以及员工的丰富的专业知识,每年公司的业务都能达到或超过30%的可观增幅。本公司对于产品质量及对客人服务的素质都非常重视。产品方面种类繁多,款式多样,远销南非、澳洲、日本、中东及欧洲各地。至于服务方面极其注重品检结果,务必使产品既能符合客人的特别要求,又能遵从国际各地的安全检测标准。本公司深圳代表处位于交通便利的皇岗口岸旁,紧邻香港,交通便利,通讯发达,为顾客提供了理想的合作环境。为进一步满足客户要求,我厂根据gb/t:2000 idt iso质量体系要求和需要建立、完善与之相适应的质量体系,并保持有效运行。通过制定并执行相应程序文件和作业文件,规范全厂的各项质量活动,增强质量保证能力,竭诚为顾客提供优质产品和优良服务,并在各方位、多层次的合作中谋求发展。at harmony we know the importance of innovation, growth, customer-satisfaction and technical support in business. we take pleasure in presenting our extensive range of high quality indoor and outdoor light-fittings and components that can be supplied at extremely competitive prices.  we hope you take time to browse through the enclosed catalogue that shows our selection of excellent quality fittings that have ce, gs, vde or ul certifications.   our comprehensive product range covers both consumer lighting and commercial lighting. we have a successful consumer range of incandescent, halogen and fluorescent fixtures that include indoor and outdoor lighting fixtures, chandeliers, ceiling fixtures, table lamps, floor lamps and wall lamps.   our commercial lighting range has been carefully tested, is of proven quality and has demonstrated its quality many projects throughout the world. the range includes fluorescent lamps, recessed downlights, spotlights, flood lights, public facilities lighting fixtures, streetlights, under-water lights and energy saving lamps.   we extend a warm invitation to all of our customers to visit our showroom in china where the full range of harmony products may be viewed. our experienced and well-trained team will be delighted to discuss your specific requirements. with our established manufacturing capability we are confident that we are able to source or develop any lighting fixtures you may require and will be pleased to develop products to your specifications.   our emphasis is to provide our customers with the best quality, range and service at the best price. we find pride in the quality of the fixtures that we are able to provide and are committed to maintain the highest standard of quality control prior to any fitting being shipped. for more information and prices please contact us or browse our website. team harmony looks forward to meeting you and assisting to light your wayhank you for your interest.


  • 公司名称: 香港合泊国际灯饰-🔥威尼斯wns·8885556·正版App Store深圳代表处
  • 公司状态: 注销
  • 行业: 软件和信息技术服务业
  • 公司类型: 外国企业常驻代表机构
  • 地址: 深圳市福田区皇岗口岸皇城广场1702室
  • 法人代表: 陈琍
  • 注册资本: 0万人民币
  • 注册时间: 2003年04月17日
  • 注册号: 803838
  • 登记机关: 深圳市市场监督管理局
  • 注册地址: 深圳市福田区皇岗口岸皇城广场1702室
  • 营业期限: 2003-04-17至2008-04-11
  • 核准日期: 2011年03月30日
  • 经营范围:





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